
  • You are the general of your kingdom's army, and now its last soldier. The horrible armies are about to take your kingdom. You are the only one able to stop them.


  • Defeat the five armies of horrible monsters and slay their king, the Bringer-Of-Death.


  • Throughout your life you have never been stronger than your peers due to your small stature, but thanks to your determination, you have developed great agility and resiliance.
    With each army (wave) of monsters you defeat, the army after becomes more difficult. The hearts on the left of the screen indicate your health points (hp). For every hit you take from a monster you lose 1 hp. When your hp reaches zero you die and you must start over. For each army you regain a health point up to a maximum of five.
  • *Tip: Keep moving and stay away from the edges, less you will be cornered and surrounded by your foes


  • Move Right - D/Right Arrow
  • Move Left - A /Left Arrow
  •  Jump - Space 
  •  Attack - Mouse 1/ Left-click


This is my first "complete game" I have ever made, despite prior Unity experience. This project took me about four weeks at around 40 hours.



  • Personal
    • My girlfriend Demi because they are the best and they gave me so much motivation and support.

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